"Quality Preschool and School Age Child Care" 1777 Grant Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3N 0M9
Carpathia Children's Centre Inc.
What's New at Carpathia Children's
What's New at Carpathia Children's Centre?
Room News
Room news will now be sent to you by your child's Early Years Educator on a monthly basis.
We are requesting Parents with skills/talents/connections to volunteer their time to enrich our centre. Do you have access to free art supplies? Play an instrument? Have a hobby you could demonstrate? If this interests you, please contant our office by email to discuss details. Thank you.
Charitable Donations
If your workplace has a donation program, please consider directing your donations to Carpathia Children's Centre Inc.
Thank you.
Picking up Your Child
Please do not block the hallway or classroom doors. This is a Safety and Fire regulation that must be followed.
If you are able to park in the parking lot, please respect other families by exiting the building as quickly as possible to allow others an opportunity to use the parking space.
Please remind your child that the same rules apply with you as with the staff. Running in the hallway is an accident waiting to happen. Let's keep everyone safe.
Parent Board 2024-2025
Roxanne Scarth - Chair
Sarah Alexander - Vice Chair
Tina Harms - Secretary
Chantal Ramalheiro - Treasurer
Members at Large:
Ivan Maroti
Brigitte Burgoyne
Jasmine Masse
Welcome to new and returning Parent Board Members!
No parking in front of the building or reserved staff parking spots. There have been a few close incidents that could have resulted in loss of life. Please respect life and safety over convenience.
Let's keep everyone safe!
If you require any of this information in a different format
Please see the Centre's Office for assistance
REMINDER Due to severe food and environmental allergies, parents must not put any items food or otherwise in any child’s locker. Should you wish to bring in any food related items they must be commercially produced with all items clearly labeled. These items must be cleared with the Supervisor of the classroom. We appreciate your co-operation in this matter.
We communicate with parents via email. Please ensure that you check your email to get current information, just in case there is an emergency situation at the centre.
Children must be appropriately dressed to enjoy the outdoors.
Please ensure that your child(ren) have indoor footwear, and runners for outside activities. Sunscreen, bug repellent and hats are required to keep the children safe during the high UV weather. Remember to label all items to avoid loss. Thank you for your co operation.
We have a wonderful music program with Sonja who visits Room 7 and 5 throughout the year.
Rooms 7, 5, 4, and 3 now have Zumba (Movement to Music)
Our email address is cccinc@carpathiachildrenscentre.ca